Thursday, January 7, 2010

Progress Report

Here's the little bit of progress I've been making in my concept art and 3D modeling classes:

So for my character design based on me, I've decided to try to make a small series of characters that represent extreme (and possibly stereotypical) parts of my personality. This first character is the part of my personality that's hidden quite well from the world, the girly side. I know she's quite stereotypical... and obviously frightened of something. I really don't like her face, but this is all WIP so I have time to attempt to fix it.

This is Thorhala the Beast! She's the very...VERY angry side of my personality. More explanation will be available at a later date, when the true extent of her rage is depicted properly in this picture.

This is an insect that isn't a character I'm making for the assignment, nor part of my personality in any way. I just thought I'd post it!

This is the city I'm creating for 3D modeling, based on worlds in Kingdom Hearts, planets from Mario Galaxy, and Star Wars' Coruscant.

1 comment:

  1. Don't mess with Thorhalla the Beast, her fury knows no restraint. She will cut you in half with a battle axe, through the Wang! No mercy! No escape! Her might cannot be matched!
