Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obsessive Weekly: Mass Effect

So in about the middle of the week I realized that Mass Effect 2 releases on the 26th of this month! I also realized that I hadn't played Mass Effect since my Xbox360's hard drive decided to erase itself last year.

So, naturally, I started a new game and found myself obsessing over the attention to detail that the creators payed to not only the vast universe that your character is able to travel through; but also the biology and even cultural aspects of the races the characters encounter throughout the story.

For example, the disciplined race called the Turian hail from a planet with a metal-poor core. Due to this type of core present inside the planet, there is a weak magnetic field allowing more solar radiation into the atmosphere. And, this is the cool part, in order to deal with this atmosphere the lifeforms on the Turian home world evolved metallic exoskeletons to protect themselves from the solar radiation. It just blows my mind that the creators put so much research into these other races, and gave them believable evolutionary details in their biology.

Wow, so many words! Here's some concept art for the first game that I really enjoy.


The thousand year living and well respected Asari:

The synthetic beings called the Geth:

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