Monday, January 11, 2010

Keepin' It Goin'!

Ever so slightly progressing:

Another detail shot:

I know the additions I've made seem to be minor, so I've decided to make a list of what I did with the dragon/demon/whatever today:

- Added some firey effects around the eye and nostrils
- Started to add color to the horns, well just the one horn for now. I might change the color later, I'm not sure if it's working for me
- Added some light effects around the inside of it's mouth in attempt to give it a bit more depth, not so sure how that's working out right now.

And that's it! In my free time I'll be working on Thorhala for my actual assignment instead of obsessing over this dude even more than I already have.

I'm a bit disappointed in myself for straying from the assignment. >.<


  1. Really digging the illustrative quality of this pic. Are you running with default Photoshop brushes or are you using some customs?

  2. Thanks a lot for the comments Cody!

    I've just been using the hard and soft round brush and changing the size/opacity.

    I've wanted to experiment with custom brushes though.

  3. Well skill is deserving of praise :p

    I guess digital is no different from traditional media in that people use the same tools and get vastly different aesthetics out of it.

    I use a couple customs, most of them from Daarken. I have a link to his Custom Brush tutorial on my blog, and the actual brush files should be linked on the 'more info' tab of the video. I think Miles and I have a fair amount of book goodies on custom brushes too.

    I've also found that the Stipple brushes with a little tweaking can turn into really neat customs. Happy uh... brushing? Har.

  4. Yeah, I've heared of Daarken before, I'll look into those links on your blog!

    I got a couple of digital painting books over winter break and they have some custom brush info in 'em I think. But the more books the better in my opinion. :P

    Haha, "happy brushing," love it. :D
