Thursday, October 1, 2009

And So it Begins...

So I realize I haven't posted anything of interest since... well for a long time. I'm really not too good about posting, unless I'm in school! And classes have started now, yay!

Here's my first Flash animation for Digital Animation Studio.

Be sure to avert your gaze if you have a heart condition or enjoy good animation!

1 comment:

  1. Hey. It's me. Dave. Remember me?

    BWAHAHAH of course you don't! thats how good my pseudonym is! BAM! You had no idea it was actually your best friend, Zoe! That's right, I bet you were pretty confused there for the first 4 sentences or so. Now you know the secret, now you must die... OOoook, maybe not die. But I'm going to kill your soul when you come to stay at our place the week before thanksgiving by forcing upon you the Art History Book of DOOM! BWAHAHHAHAHHAahahhahahhahahahhahahhhahhaha
