Saturday, December 11, 2010

Art 450 Post Mortem and Propaganda Posters

So I thought I would do a quick blog post about my thoughts on how my first 450 class went. I really feel like Tawnee and I had a great concept to start the project with and I'm actually still really excited about possibly continuing with it during Winter term. On the other hand, in the end I think Tawnee and I both felt that the expectation of three fully finished characters was setting the bar a bit too high. If I could go back and change anything it would be to change the expectation to one or two characters rather than three. Another option we could have pursued, because we are both very interested in 3D work, is to just do everything in 3D for the whole term with just the expectation of learning and seeing what the result were.

Overall I really liked the direction I was going with my Ugly character but in turn sacrificed time I could have spent working on each character equally or working on the Ugly character in 3D. Above everything else though, I did end up learning a lot from the critiques and can't wait to take another 450 class next term!

Onto the Propaganda Posters! These were for my Print Studio class. The assignment was to make a series of post card size anti-narrative pieces based on some sort of apocalyptic event. If you don't know what anti-narrative means, feel free to look it up because I think I would butcher the definition. :-/

For my anti-narrative project I decided to create propaganda posters from different organized groups that could pop up in a post apocalyptic 2013 society.

Thursday, December 2, 2010